Knee osteoarthritis can cause unpredictable pain symptoms

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis worldwide, affecting more than 300 million people. It causes substantial pain, functional limitations, and disability in patients. The pain experience in patients with knee osteoarthritis changes over time. People initially experience primarily weight-bearing related pain, such as with jogging and ...


North Bay’s Premiere Choice in Orthopaedic Care for More Than 60 Years

Santa Rosa Orthopaedic (SRO) is one of the leading and largest orthopaedic practices in the north bay and the only one that offers diagnosis, treatment, surgery and rehabilitation all within one practice.  Founded in 1957 this independent and physician owned practice has grown to ten orthopaedic surgeons, three ...


New study reveals that female athletes experience higher concussion injury rate than male athletes

Concussions are common injuries among contact sport athletes. While most athletes experience full recovery within a few weeks and can return to their sport, according to a study published in the December issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, female athletes tend to experience a ...


A Santa Rosa Orthopedics Legend: SRO Celebrates Cheryl Breckler’s 50 years of service and going strong

Cheryl Breckler doesn’t seem to think she’s done anything unusual, but these days, she is a rare find. For the past 50 years she has had the same job, as a medical assistant supporting doctors at Santa Rosa Orthopedics. On top of that, she’s so happy in her ...

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