Foot & Ankle Center
SRO’s Foot and Ankle Center is your first choice treatment program, caring for the foot and ankle no matter now common or complex. We provide a comprehensive array of treatment alternatives covering nonsurgical as well as surgical methods to overcome a patient’s pain and lost function.
Spine Center
The spine has been compared to a busy highway with free-flowing traffic moving down from its headquarters in the brain. Home to 33 sets of vertebrae (26 in adult life after seven have fused), 220 ligaments and some 13 million neurons, the spine conveys directions all day long to make our bodies obey the continuous, split-second commands of our brains.
Orthopedic Trauma
Sudden injuries from an accident or other mishap can turn your life upside down. Or at least the pain and fear they bring can make you feel that way. But expert specialist care from an experienced, board-certified and fellowship-trained team of orthopedic trauma specialists can make all the difference…
Regenerative Orthopedics
Many modern medical procedures were the stuff of science fiction in previous generations, now come to life. SRO’s Regenerative Orthopedics Services are among those now well-documented technologies that hold the possibility of healing injuries and other conditions without the need for surgery or other techniques.
Sports Medicine
Sports medicine has long been of great interest and importance to us at Santa Rosa Orthopaedics. As the explosion of adult fitness reverberated across America and beyond over recent decades, our physicians and staff were no less inspired than others to enjoy the benefits of participatory sports and recreation rather than simply remaining spectators at others’ sporting events.
Shoulder Care
When your shoulders glide and rotate as they’re supposed to, you give little thought to the intricate biomechanics they require, and how much has to go right for you to live the life you do. It is only when injury strikes that you realize all that you miss when your shoulders are compromised, and how arduous the simplest activities of daily life can become.
Elbow Care
Our elbows are meant to bend and straighten freely hundreds of times a day, without us giving it a thought. But when trauma, overuse or a congenital condition come into play and every formerly carefree movement causes us pain, it is time for the kind of expert consultation Santa Rosa Orthpaedics has been offering North Coast residents for generations.
Hip Care
The longer and more active lifespans people enjoy in this era come with great benefits, but sometimes also with a cost to weight-bearing joints that lose protective cartilage over time. Hips in particular bear the brunt of the thousands of hours we spend standing, walking, running and more.
Knee Care
The knee connects the two longest mechanical levers in the human body: the thigh and lower leg. It is often responsible for carrying up to five times our body weight when we are running, walking/hiking downhill, or descending stairs. Given those stresses, it is little wonder that knee pain and injury is one of the most common presenting problems in orthopedic offices around the world.